Preperation for Merchandising


I have been asked to come back to create the Mooch Vintage shop Christmas displays and interior, which I am over the moon about! This is a huge job, involving an entire shop and window turn around! So I just thought I’d write down a few pointers on how I have prepared for this and what I need to think about whilst preparing and making!

First of all, I start off with a good old mood board, just sticking images down that are eye catching to me, things that are inspiring. I searched things like, home made decorations, vintage Christmas and looked at some of the most famous Christmas window displays.

mood board for mooch christmas Here is a little example of my findings (apologies for the poor image quality, I’m yet to learn how to use a scanner.)

By making one of these, ideas kind of spring into your mind,  from here you get an understanding on what direction you want to take your display in. For me I like the quirky little decorations and the vintage black and white Christmas photos!

Things to consider:

window 1

You need to plan your window to include these three tiers, Background, Mid ground and Foreground.

The purpose of a back ground is to focus you eye on the display rather than the busy environment of the shop behind.

The mid ground is the main opportunity to promote the products or message

The foreground is generally the glass. This can be used to create depth and perspective to your display.

Then there is different ways of grouping you products in the mid ground, are you going to use a triangular grouping,  where the centre piece is higher, or are they all going to be on the same plane?

Once you have decided, the best thing for me to do it totally empty the window and give it a good clean down, this gives you  a nice blank canvas and a clutter free space!

Select your product, keep it simple. Try not to tell too many stories and over crowd with stock.

Use your selecting grouping to position your products.

Show the best merchandise! Obvious tip but an important one.

Dress a bit then go out side to assess

Never over fill the window! Less is more, as they say!